About Us

Caroline Murphy & Alice Moon met in early 2023 at the book launch party of notable writer Amanda Siebert’s book, Psyched. Having an instant connection brought together by an interest in p$ychedelics and c@nn@bis, Caroline and Alice came together to launch High On Plants in September, 2023. The duo creates jewelry and home goods that aim to empower people, start conversations around c@nn@bis, and help folks find their inner grooviness.


Meet Caroline Murphy

Caroline is the Founder and Creative Director at High On Plants. She has worked in c@nn@bis retail for 10 years, both in Colorado and California while providing design services in upcoming legal states.  With a passion for creating, she designs and produces the High On Plants products out of her home in Los Angeles, California. When she isn’t focused on making products from her laser printer, she is passionately enjoying her new lifestyle of being a mama and soaking up every moment of it.  She is still pursuing new graphic design and photography projects, and is very interested in helping small businesses achieve their creative goals.


Meet Alice Moon

Alice Moon is the CMO and Co-Founder for High On Plants. Having helped launch the company in 2023, Moon’s background is in influencer marketing, social media, and PR. Moon has worked in c@nn@bis for 12 years in California, having previously owned a c@nn@bis jewelry company making bracelets you could smoke out of. When Moon isn’t working, she finds joy in watercolor painting, attending sound baths, and writing.

